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Failure| Failure Could Be The Reason Of Your Success| Curio Facts
Your failure could be your success next
Think about the last time when you came up
short in something or you lost someone you cared about, no don't tell me how it
went wrong and what happened I know it's not your fault. Just realize for a
second what amount of pain you felt that moment, what was you thinking when you
were about to see your whole world upside down. Realizing that pain is like
feeling it again with the same intensity. Right? And yet exposure to those
feelings might be the secret staving off the next failure.
Rigged Test:
Everybody knows how it feels when you lose
someone or you get failed in life. And nobody wants to return back to that feeling.
But according to a new study from Ohio State University, lingering in that
state of mind might be the key to avoiding it in the future. They performed an
experiment in which candidates were tasked with online shopping of Kitchen
blender with specific characteristics. If they could find the blender with
every features scientist were asking for, they would win a cash prize. Before
they found out half of the candidates were asked to write their feelings about
win or loss and the other half were asked to write down their thought about the
task. But it was all a set-up. No matter how cheap the subjects' blenders, the
scientists always "found" another one costing $3.27 less. Everybody
loses! In the final step of the experiment, the subjects were asked to try one
more task.
To remind them of the deal-hunting task they had so recently failed, half of the subjects were tasked with finding the best deal on textbooks (as a control, the other half faced the unrelated task of picking out a book for a friend). Apparently, the sting of an emotional memory had an effect. The subjects who focused on their emotions after their previous failure ended up spending 25 percent more time on average looking for low-priced textbooks than those who only reflected on their thoughts.
What does it all show?
According to researchers it shows its important not only to dwel to that feeling intellectually but also returning back to that feeling emotionally. In other words, all of the participants were given the chance to reflect on their failures, but only those who were forced to really feel their feelings actually demonstrated a renewed commitment to not fail this time.
Dwelling only on their thoughts is more likely to make people rationalize why mistakes weren't their fault, and that probably has something to do with that disparity.
The benefits of failure are well-documented: Many scientific discoveries have been made only because an experiment "failed" and that is considered as failure because it didn't produce the expected results. And as psychology researcher Jon Jachimowicz notes in the Huffington Post, failure is a necessary step on the road to self-improvement and letting a fear of failure stop you will only result in fewer successes.
Most of us who fail in relationship stay scared of getting into a new relationship for the rest of our lives but I think we should step forward and go for the new relationships. This time you won't get failed because you know what went wrong last time, what did you do to screw it up.
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